Low cost health insurance does not have to provide limited coverage and protection especially if you know exactly where and how to look for it. People nowadays have it so much easier than people in the past. Low Cost Health insurance providers comparison websites are thriving and multiplying. Here you can find everything from low cost health insurance for seniors to low cost health insurance for students. The range is incredible. Now, all you have to do is click away online and request for quotes from comparison health plan websites. This is the best way to find low cost health plans these days. The fact that you are doing your search online actually makes a huge difference.
Insurance has always been a product that you seek after. It is not a basic need. Most of the time, it cannot be easily offered. It is something consumers who need it seek for. So when you go to an insurance company to inquire about their offers, you are already halfway through the process of purchasing from them. You are a captive audience, and thus, you do not get the upper hand.
When this whole process takes place online, however, companies will be fighting for your attention because you can easily exit a website if you don’t like what they are offering. Thus, you are the boss, and they are forced to make better offers to compete with the many other companies doing the same. This gives you more and better choices.
Examples of Low Cost Health Insurance Plans with Excellent Quality
- UNICARE health plans
- Health Net health insurance
- CIGNA health plans
1. UNICARE health plans
UNICARE health plans are low cost health insurance options offered by the UniCare Family of Companies. This is a national organization engaged in the business of providing products and services geared towards health benefits. The company’s health plans all take after one philosophy: the company’s Full Circle Health mantra. Full Circle Health refers to a comprehensive set of health management programs that assist in consumers’ overall care for their health and wellness. This means that UNICARE encourages its consumers to take proper care of themselves in every health aspect there is. Part of this move is the health insurance they offer, as well as the timely events that they hold for the benefit of charitable health organizations.
UNICARE health plans have now achieved a 1.6 million membership nationwide. It has 31,300 hospitals and 650,351 doctors and specialists making its objective of affordable and quality health care for everyone possible.
2. Health Net low cost health insurance providers
Health Net health insurance by Health Net Inc. is currently one of the country’s largest and most successful health plans. The company has been providing its high quality health insurance products for 27 years, and it now covers all 50 states with more than 6 million members. This is definitely not bad, considering the competition that it faces. The secret behind its success is definitely its affordable offers.
The low cost health insurance plans offered by Health Net includes an HMO which requires $1000 in deductible, $15 copay for office visits, prescription drugs, preventive care exams, maternity visits, and mental health coverage. It also offers several other benefits on hospital services. Another option is the NetFirst plans, which requires no deductibles but offers a coinsurance rate of 35%. These plans are PPO plans that offer 35% copay for office visits, preventive care, and mental health. There are certain limitations, however, such as the lack of coverage for maternity care, chiropractic care, and so on.
3. CIGNA health plans – also a low cost health insurance plan for seniors
CIGNA is one of the most well-known names in the country’s insurance field. It is an especially popular provider of insurance coverage for health care and dental care for families, individuals, and organizations.
Their low cost health insurance offers are the Health Savings plans. The Health Savings 1500 plan is an HSA and offers you the chance to ensure your health, future, and finances the best way possible. CIGNA, however, also offers its Open Access plans, as well as its HMO plans. All these are exceptionally of good quality, but can be availed of at affordable prices.
Low Cost Health Insurance Benefits and Plan : What to Look For
Aside from knowing where and how to look, it is also important that you know what you are really looking for. Low cost means affordable and within your means, but it does not translate to low quality. When considering a plan, pay attention to the cost of the plan and its limitations. Since you are specifically on the lookout for low cost plans, you should be especially watchful about any limitations or catches that are not often advertised. Make sure that the limitations are extras that you can do without. If the limitations are important medical procedures that you think you may need, you should not give them up. Deciding which coverage to forgo is simply a matter of deciding which risks you are comfortable with since you are unable to get complete coverage.